The greatest way to seek God’s wisdom is to study His Word. If we are faithful to daily read and study the Bible, as well as learn from teaching at our church, we will absorb wisdom that will guide us to make daily decisions. Media bombards us every day through television, movies, billboards, newspapers, magazines, advertising, and other venues. Our neighbors and workmates also influence our thinking through their conversations with us, clothes they wear, things they own, etc. It is critical to saturate our mind with the Word of God or we can inadvertently be lured into adopting worldly values that oppose God’s will.
The apostle Peter warns us against this battle of our mind when he says: “Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul” (2 Peter 2:11). Do you ever think of yourself as an “alien” or “stranger in the world?” Do you find yourself trying to fit in, be accepted, and gain approval from those around you? Having lived overseas for twenty plus years, I am legally considered to be an “alien” and “foreigner.” Though I often get weary of always being called a foreigner, I think it has helped me to see myself in a more biblical way as a stranger of this world. It is easy to lose our sense of identity as a believer and gradually adopt more and more views of the culture around us. As we do this, we will become susceptible to fall into sin or condone behaviors against the will of God.
I encourage you to seek God and His Word to better understand what a biblical worldview is. There are also books written about this that can be helpful. Our faith is not to be a Sunday event. It is to be integrated into every part of our lives throughout each day. Make an effort to avoid adopting the “wisdom of your culture or the media” and seek to have God’s wisdom. Psalm 119 expresses the Psalmist love of God’s Word. Interestingly, he also sees himself as a stranger of this world: “Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law. I am a stranger on earth; do not hide your commands from me. . . Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path” (Psalm 119: 18, 19, 105).