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The Power of Love

Excursion One

“No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us” (Romans 8:37).

There are many struggles in life, heightened in 2020 and continuing on in this new year, that can easily bring us down and cause us to feel that we are drowning in sorrow, anxiety, anger, depression, or self-pity. What is it that enables us to be more than conquerors in these moments? The end of Romans 8:37 says that it is Jesus Christ’s love. Verse 39 reminds us that nothing can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord! The preceding verse lays out a comprehensive list of offenders including Satan and anything or anyone in all creation. That pretty much covers it all! None of these adversities can remove us from the love of God. Therefore, it is critical that we connect to this amazing power of God’s love! But how do we do that?

Taking time to pray and opening our hearts daily to share what is honestly going on is important. As you do this, ask the Holy Spirit to guide you as you pray. I would suggest that you have the Bible in front of you and let the Spirit speak to you as you read. Go to passages that speak of His love. Use devotionals that will guide you to Scriptures that you can meditate upon. During a particularly dark and lonely time in my life, I spent three years meditating on Isaiah 40 to 66 and the Song of Songs. We have already looked at passages in Isaiah 40, 41, 53, and 61. Let us meditate on some other tender words the Lord speaks through Isaiah.

Isaiah 43 is a particularly intimate chapter. Wherever there is a name like “Jacob,” “Israel,” or “Jerusalem,” substitute your own name as these are also uplifting words for you. “But now, this is what the Lord says – He who created you, O (your name), He who formed you, (your name): ‘Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine’” (Isaiah 43:1). Take some time to meditate upon this verse.

God created and formed you. He knows you inside and out. He understands you like no other. He knows all your past, present and future. With this knowledge in mind, He tells you not to live in fear, for He has redeemed you through Christ; you are His. I love how He says: “I have summoned you by name” (Isaiah 43:1). We are hand-picked. He calls out your name from the crowd and says, I want to spend time with you! Yes, you! It reminds me of my middle school days when we would have a school dance and all the girls would line up along one wall and the boys on the opposite wall. We all hoped that a boy would come over and call out our name to dance. Well, sisters, the Lord says He sees you standing against that wall. Perhaps lonely. Perhaps fearful, sad, or hurting. Perhaps longing to share some exciting news, or difficult things going on in your life with someone who will listen and care. He calls out your name. Let him grasp your hand and draw you close. Share what is on your heart. Your sadness, your fears, your excitement. Close your eyes and let the Spirit direct you as He leads you in this new dance in life.

As He comforts you in this slow, intimate dance, He tells you this: “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze”(43:2). Whatever you are going through, He is there with you. Not necessarily removing the rough waters, but giving you the strength and companionship to endure it all. He is in control and will not allow your trial to harm your soul. Your body may take a beating, just as a boxer endures the punches in the ring. But if you acknowledge and thank Him for His presence, and talk to your Lord throughout the battle, you will be “more than a conqueror” through the Lord Jesus Christ. In His eyes, you are precious and honored and loved (see 43:4). Do not be afraid, for He is with you (see 43:5).

Today’s Bible Reading: Romans 8:37-39; Isaiah 43

Excerpt from Mission Impossible by Sue Corl

*Minor adjustments made in this post

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