I live in a world of many colors. The flowers are different colors: pink, yellow, purple, blue, red, and colors I have never seen or known. The ocean is blue, green, and sometimes brown. The sky is blue with white clouds. Even the rainbow, when God paints it, is an array of beautiful colors. Even fruits and vegetables are different colors.
We live in a world of colors. People are different colors: black, white, red, and yellow with all different skin tones; yet we live in a world of hatred, bitterness, depression, selfishness, and unfaithfulness.
When God created this world, he loved beauty, and that’s why it is a colorful world. Colors bring out beauty. If we all would see the beauty in each of us and teach our children to see the beauty in themselves, what a beautiful world this would be. If we would stop judging one another by the color of our skin and our abilities, then we could move on with life. We are all created differently, with different abilities to do different types of jobs. God made each of us different so we will have the ability to do or be qualified for different types of work.
We should never be judged by the color of our skin, race, or creed. Life is all about the choices we make, so why should the color of my skin or my nationality make a difference in how I am treated? Whether I am in elementary or middle school, high school or college, law or medical school, or technical school, when I am done my skin color or nationality should not dictate my classification in life. If I qualify for the position, I should get the job. My skin color should not determine where I should go in life. As my parents would say, “Life is what you make of it.”
Choose and make the right choice and always put God first. Pray about everything. When you put God first, color doesn’t make a difference. In the world we are living in today, everything is about color. What was supposed to be beautiful is now a race riot, gun violence, even war. When we wake up and start seeing the beauty of color that the Creator designed for all of us, pray and seek God as never before, then our land will be healed.
Then we will see the beauty of color again.
-Guest Writer Darletha Carroll