Why have millions been enchanted by DaVinci’s Mona Lisa’s enigmatic smile? Or stood enthralled before Michelangelo's David? Or felt swept away, enraptured by Handel’s Messiah?
These are all considered great works, masterpieces of their genres. They are recognized for their creator’s exceptional skill, the beauty they invoke, and their impact in delighting their viewers.
The Merrill-Webster dictionary defines masterpiece as: work done with extraordinary skill especially a supreme intellectual or artistic achievement. A masterpiece is also described as a picture of perfection.
Amazingly, the Creator of the universe calls us His masterpiece: “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago” (Eph 2:10).
We are perfectly designed by the ultimate Master. Can you imagine, the Creator of all there is considers you and me the pinnacle of all His creation? Because when He sees believers, He sees His son, Jesus. He sees us as we were designed to be.
We had nothing to do with it. We are the clay in His hands. He formed us, breathed life into us, rescued us, died for us … loved us. He did it all.
And He continues His handiwork in us, chiseling away the spiritual defects our sin creates to reveal more and more of His Son’s perfection in us until one day, we will indeed be made perfect when we see Him face-to-face.
Not only do we know our identity, but also our purpose: “so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” God has planned good things for us to do and experience. He created each of us with a tailored-made life-plan in mind and will reveal His plan as we trust and obey Him, step by step in our walk in life.
The two greatest questions man has asked throughout the ages: “Who am I?” and “Why am I here?” are answered in this one verse. Hide it in your heart.
When we face those dark, down days of regret, shame, feelings of unworthiness, let’s remember how God sees us. We are His masterpiece in whom He delights!
-Kathi Fritz (a masterful contributing writer and member of the COBI community)