Jesus said that He came that we might “have life, and have it to the full” - John 10:10
King James translation says that He came so that we might have life “more abundantly.” NLT says “My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.” This word “abundantly” comes from the Greek word “perissos” which means that it will “exceed some number or measure or need; will be extraordinary or uncommon; more re- markable or more excellent; over and above; more than is necessary” (Strong’s Concordance). Christ wants to offer us a life that is so satisfying that to others it looks extraordinary! Part of His will is to bring us into a relationship with Him that will go far beyond just meeting our basic needs, but will fill our souls with a superior sense of satisfaction and contentment. Unfortunately, many of us have lives that we would hardly call “remarkable,” “abundant,” or “satisfying.” What do you think are the reasons that you are not experiencing an abundant and satisfying life?
What will our life look like when we are truly satisfied by God? First of all, we will look to Him to fulfill our longings, desires and needs. As we spend time with Him, through prayer we will express our needs and desires and trust Him to meet these. We will wait upon Him and seek Him as to how He wants to meet these longings in our lives. Even though we may have very difficult circumstances, we will have peace and joy as God fills our inner self with His love, courage, confidence, joy, and satisfaction. Our walk with God will be growing, and our love for God will be ever increasing. We will see victory over sin on a daily basis. Our peace, contentment and joy will reflect to others and thus will have an impact on our other relationships. This will overflow to enable us to have deeper fulfillment in these relationships.
I hope as I write these things that you feel a tug in your heart which longs to experience the abundant and extraordinary life of which Christ spoke. Perhaps you never knew that God desires to be so personally involved in your life. Maybe you know this but for one reason or another, you have allowed yourself to be lured towards fulfilling these longings outside of the will of God. This can happen due to deliberate disobedience, or can result as the enemy deceptively lures you back into self-dependence and a behavior of controlling your environment (people, schedules, activities, and emotions). Ask the Lord to help you see if there is any way in which you are not completely yielded to His will, love, forgiveness, control, and power and then surrender these things to Him.
- Sue Corl (Founder of COBI, read more in her devotional More Beautiful by the Day)