Our September blogs will be focused on the various names of Jesus. We hope this blesses you and leads you to discover a deeper connection to the one who came to unite us with our Divine Inheritance.

I admire this name of Jesus the most: THE TRUTH. Jesus communicated the reality of life, honestly, and he got crucified for it so why am I afraid of being honest?
I don’t want someone to get mad at me, get involved in an argument, or deal with a blow-up. I have a very good example of what happens if you do: The Savior. His taking a stand resulted in the establishment of an entire way of living that encourages compassion and love, but he was also crucified for it.
If I have the courage to be direct like my hero, then I will also have a reputation of being trustworthy since others will understand that I can be counted on to tell it like it is. In Mark 10, the Messiah tells a wealthy young man that to inherit eternal life he must “...sell all that you have, and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven, come follow me.” (Mark 10:21) How someone reacts based on my frankness is up to them, not me! The man does not do this and leaves. This is the risk of telling the truth. A person might abandon me but they might also respect me and we could change, both of us for the better.
What we get in return is so much more than the loss: we regain ourselves by affiliating ourselves with the way, the truth, and the will of God by taking right action. When we serve God rather than man, we do not value things that put our own integrity on the line.
Keeping the peace, compromising to the point of dishonesty is not in keeping with the life of Jesus. “They traded the truth about God for a lie. So, they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself, who is worthy of eternal praise! Amen. (Romans 1:25) Valuing keeping the peace at home regardless of facing tensions that exist is not the way of the Lord.
-Shira Pacult (a contributing writer and valued member of the COBI community)